iM Peter, iM FARMING
“With IsoMatch GEOCONTROL and the GEOSPREAD I am saving 10% on fertiliser.”
Peter from Germany has already been working with Kverneland machines for 10 years. He recently invested in a Kverneland Exacta CL GEOSPREAD.
“The machines are reliable and the operation is very simple”, he says. “The equal distribution of fertiliser is very important. We have decided to buy a Kverneland spreader, because of the number of vanes per disc”, says Peter. He elaborates: “We took into consideration that the 8 vanes per disc ensure a more continuous flow of fertiliser and a more equal spreading pattern than spreaders with 2 vanes per disc.
Intuitive control with the IsoMatch Tellus GO
“Up to now we are only using the IsoMatch Tellus GO for the disc spreader, but as we would like to invest in some more Kverneland machines in the future, we can use this terminal for more machines as well. The terminal has an intuitive design which enables you to easily find your way around the menu. The automatic start and stop function on headlands saves on fertiliser.” Peter tells us that it could be realistic to say that using GEOSPREAD brought them a savings of even 10%. The reason for these savings is that they first make one pass around the fields and afterwards the sections switch automatically, the spreader adjusts itself so